
My Type of Sunday Funday

It was a very calm weekend overall… and that is fine by me!

I am someone who needs a weekend like this.

I love my crazy, fun weekends, but having one that allows me to catch up on life, every now and then, makes the busy weekends so much more manageable.

I went for a couple runs, rented a movie, got that haircut I needed so badly, caught up with most of my magazine pile, and lots more fun organization. It was great.

This afternoon, I let myself take a break from the to-do list crossing off mission I was on, and sat out for an hour, on the greenway in front of the North End and just soaked up the sun (sunscreen on though of course).

I’m letting myself fully embrace summer and the simple joys that accompany it. New England is so beautiful, but our summers go too quickly, and even though I didn’t get every little thing done that I wanted to, I’m so glad that I achieved a nice combination of productivity & relaxation today.

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